The organization shall identify key process equipment and provide resources for machine/ equipment maintenance and develop an effective planned total preventive maintenance system. 组织应确定关键过程设备为机器/设备的维护提供资源并建立有效的有计划的全面预防性维护系统。
It is pointed out that in design the reasonable distribution of process equipment should be considered as well as the working condition for workers so that the potential of man and machine can all be got into play. 指出,现代工业厂房设计应既考虑工艺设备的合理布置,以满足生产的需要,又要考虑人的工作环境,使人、机在良好的状态中发挥最大的作用。
It is helpful filling up the blank of our country to expatiate the research process, design method, configuration of equipment, principle of testing and controlling about GSC, with evaluating the effect that technical innovation plays on machine capability. 因此,对GSC试验机的研发过程、设计思想、主机结构和测控原理加以详述,并对其技术创新对提高整机性能的影响进行一定的评价,有助于填补国内该项技术的空白。
But, as far as most paperboard mills are concerned, the improving of process equipment and machine is the proper mean to reduce or alleviate pollution to environment for lacking of the technological and feasible clean production. 但对于大多数的中小型箱板纸厂来讲,成熟且技术经济可行的清洁生产技术还是一项空白,只能通过工艺设备的改进来减少或减轻污染物对环境的危害。
Process equipment designed and used in machining of large annulus on hobbing machine realizes one machine with multiple applications and opens up a economic and practical way for machining of large annulus. 设计使用滚齿机铣削大型内齿圈时所用的联接装置,从而实现了一机多用,为大型内齿零件加工开辟了一条经济实用的途径。
The numerical controlled machine is one kind of process control equipment, any part of the fault and failure, will cause the machine downtime, resulting in the production came to a standstill and constraints seriously affect production efficiency. 数控机床是一种过程控制设备,任何部分的故障与失效,都会使机床停机,造成生产停顿,严重影响和制约生产效率的提高。因此,对于数控系统装置进行诊断维修是极为必要的。